Port #18 on the STH scavenging tour

Whimsicalidocious Arts not be confinin' itself to the written. The be supporting an assortment of creativities, including acting and performance. This here Broken Wall site be the place landlubbers can learn about acting opportunities available following the official Ocademy launch on 30 July 2022.

If the acting bug's done bit ya, ye be most welcome to inquire about performing in Oracles, the choose-your-path video experience.

And if ye live in Southern California, ye may want to try your hand at live theater with the interactive Pre-Party Prom play, set to premiere October 2022. (Details available summer 2022) 

Regardless of yer actin' proclivities, ye be receivin' a 2-fer-1 discount on the Oracles when it airs on New Year's Eve 2022.

Port #18

It be time to start makin' our way back to our home port. We've just a few more stops on the way. To pass the hours on long days at sea, sailors like to whittle and tell stories. One of the most popular stories be the ongoing saga of the fae soap opera that had a recap show on t'Ocademy's Tube of You channel. What do you reckon such a show would be called?

(a) A Rose by Any Other Name

(b) Love Among the Brambles

(c) Butterflies & Flutterbys 

(d) The Merry Ring

Uh oh, sounds like a storm be a'brewin'. No tellin' where it be blowin' us to next!